Django Test Tags

The Oxford Dictionary describes the word tag as:

a label attached to someone or something for the purpose of identification or to give other information.

In the world of computers and the internet is defined like:

A word, phrase, or name used to identify digital content such as blog and social media posts as belonging to a particular category or concerning a particular person or topic.

Taking those definitions, Django has a hidden gem and fairly misused tool on his test suite, which help us to identify our test cases.

Tagging Test

This tool will help us to tag our tests, so we can easily run a particular subset of this. For example, you might label fast or slow tests. The Django tag works as decorator in our test case method, so, firstly we need to import our tag decorator.

from django.test import tag

Now, we can easily use the decorator:

class SampleTestCase(TestCase):
    def test_fast(self):
    def test_slow(self):
    @tag('slow', 'core')
    def test_slow_but_core(self):

And also, the tag decorator can be used in the test case per se:

@tag('slow', 'core')
class SampleTestCase(TestCase):

Now we can choose which tests to run. For example, to run only fast tests:

./ test --tag=fast`}

And also can exclude tests by tag. To run core tests if they are not slow:

./ test --tag=core --exclude-tag=slow

You can read more about it on Django Testing Tools